Pr Fontbonne from Alfort Veterinary School and Natalia Santos conducted a trial with breeders.
A group of bitches received ADAPTIL Calm around giving birth, the other group received a placebo, but breeders did not know which product their bitches received.
Breeders assessed their bitches maternal behavior and saw a clear improvement with ADAPTIL.
"Any breeder would know if a bitch had received ADAPTIL or the placebo, you can really tell the difference.
With ADAPTIL, the puppies are all equal weight, they eat well, they have no problem at weaning, and they are calm.
It allows breeders more peace of mind during parturition and weaning.
It’s a product that I will continue using, and I will recommend to other breeders."
* Influence of ADAPTIL® on maternal behavior of bitches up to 21 days postpartum. Double blinded trial. Professor Alain Fontbonne, Dr Natalia Santos and team